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Random Musings
JWfacts.com contains articles particularly included to assist a person understand why Watchtower teachings are not truth. There are other musings I would like to include, but without distracting from the core purpose of the site, so have decided to group them here as pieces of interest.
What Identifies Jehovah's Witnesses as the True Religion? - Jul 2020
Watchtower lists several identifiers as proof they are the only true religion. Do these withstand scrutiny? more ...
The current Recession/War/Pandemic "Proves" Armageddon is Imminent - Jun 2020
Year after year, inactive Jehovah's Witnesses claim Armageddon is "so close" because of some event, such as a pandemic, earthquake, war or recession. Family members are pressured through fear to join or return. This article adds logic and reason to such claims. more ...
Jehovah's Witnesses and Covid-19 - May 2020
The Governing Body provided no advance notice of the outbreak of Covid-19, or advice beyond that supplied by governments. The result was that by 30th April 2020, the number of Jehovah's Witnesses that had died from the virus exceeded the global average by a factor of five. more ...
Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Cult? - Aug 2018
"Cult" is a popular word used to describe unorthodox religious groups, including Jehovah's Witnesses. It is generally counter-productive to refer to any group as a cult. more ...
Is Daniel Historic or Prophetic - Aug 2018
Watchtower presents the Bible Book of Daniel as a key source of proof that the Bible is inspired, based on the claim it contains remarkably accurate prophecy. This article looks at whether Daniel is prophetic or historic. In particular, it compares the traditional interpretation of the the prophecies of the wild beasts, King of the North and South, and 70 weeks.
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End of the Home Book Study Arrangement - Aug 2018
For many decades, Jehovah’s Witnesses met weekly in private homes for the "book study" arrangement, until its termination in January 2008. This article discusses the ingenious, and dishonest, way the Governing Body ended it. more ...
JWfacts Promoted - Aug 2018
A mashup of photos of people or the media promoting JWfacts.com more ...
Was Russell a Freemason? - May 2017
There are many discussions online regarding whether Charles Russell, Watchtower founder, was a Freemason. Here are the facts. more ...
Animal Suffering - Apr 2016
Watchtower teaches that whilst humans were to live forever, animals grew old and died. This contradicts Watchtower’s teachings of death, sin and a loving God. more ...
BeyondJW - Timothy Campbell - Feb 2016
One of the early internet sites regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, dating back to 1995, was BeyondJW by Timothy Campbell, appearing at the URL members.aol.com/beyondjw. As the site no longer operates, I have republished a few of the articles that I found particularly helpful when I started having doubts. more ...
Can Baptism be Annulled? - Jan 2016
Annul means to be “declared invalid.” A common question is whether baptism as a Jehovah’s Witness can be annulled. This has important implications, since if a person’s baptism is annulled, it means they cannot be considered disfellowshipped, hence potentially avoiding the related implications, such as being shunned. more ...
Should you Disassociate and Sample Disassociation Letters - Feb 2015
Once a person comes to realise the Watchtower is not the truth a common question is whether or not to disassociate. This article discusses the pros and cons, along with presenting some disassociation letters. more ...
Truth Be Told Documentary regarding Jehovah's Witnesses - Dec 2014
The highly anticipated feature documentary TRUTH BE TOLD was released for digital download and streaming on 12/19/2014. The film is especially timely as the world community responds to the clear and present dangers posed by religiously-motivated fanaticism. more …
The Hardship of being a Gay Jehovah's Witness - Jul 2014
I was raised and baptised as a very serious Jehovah’s Witness. Every waking moment of my day was lived for Jehovah and his organization and for nothing else. I was also gay. Despite not engaging in homosexual activity, just because we are gay, we are something that Jehovah detests. It is such a struggle because we know we are not considered as normal and have to wait for Jehovah to fix us in paradise. more …
Evolution & Creation Misrepresentations - Mar 2014
The Watchtower has released a number of books and articles on evolution and creation, all of which consistently use inaccurate and deceptive information to dishonestly undermine facts about the origins of life. more …
Jw.org Website - Oct 2012
In 2012 the Watchtower relaunched their official website, incorporating latest internet technology and multimedia capabilities. It will be interesting to see the affect more fully utilising the internet will have on growth, particularly with the dangers the internet poses to the Watchtower. more …
Am I an Apostate? - Sep 2012
Apostate is a defamatory term the Watchtower uses to describe anyone that no longer believes the teachings of their leaders, the self proclaimed faithful and discreet slave. What really is an apostate? more …
What is Wrong with Sparlock? - Aug 2012
Watchtower has created a series of instructional children's videos, with Caleb and Sophia as the main characters. A 2012 release depicts Caleb, a young Jehovah's Witness child, being forced to throw away a toy wizard. It has been condemned by many as a manipulative piece of propaganda. What is it about this video that caused such a stir?
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Watchtower Caught Dumping Chemicals - Apr 2012
It was ironic to read that the Watchtower has been caught with illegally dumped chemicals, particularly after the self-adulation that appears in the Watchtower's own magazines regarding how they view "ruining the earth." more …
Attending My Father's Funeral - Oct 2011
When my father was diagnosed with cancer and it was clear he would die, I greatly feared having to attend his funeral. I knew what to expect from the discourse and how irritated it would make me. Even more difficult would be the shunning I would receive. more …
I Prayed and was met by a Witness - Sep 2011
It is common in Watchtower experiences to include stories of people that prayed for the truth, were met by Jehovah's Witnesses, and converted. This is held up as proof that Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth. This is a non-sequitur logical fallacy, for several reasons. more …
Why so many raised as Witnesses leave - Aug 2011
Two thirds of children raised as Jehovah's Witnesses eventually leave the religion. This is the highest rate of any religion in America. This article explore reasons for why this is the case. more …
2010 Elders Book - Oct 2010
In 2010, a new elder's book was released with strict guidelines that under no circumstances are women allowed to read it. more …
Religious fact, faith and delusion - Feb 2010
There is a difference between the reality of fact and the yearnings of faith, but there is place for both in a person's life. However, when religious followers begin to base their lives on proven delusion there are adverse recompenses. Certainly, the Watchtower faith is one that is littered with delusion. more …
Paul Grundy 2005 - 2024